How to Detox Your Body Naturally

Learn the signs that you need to detox, and feel your best physically and mentally with these tips for safe, natural, and healthy detoxification.

It seems like every time we open any social media app, there is some influencer promoting a detox program, cleanse, or supplement that promises to help you magically shed those pounds, lighten your toxic load, and solve all your problems. 

There’s only one—well, two problems: they are usually extremely pricy, and you won’t get much bang for your buck. Why? 

Because there is no such thing as a quick fix or a magic pill when it comes to detoxification and true, whole-body health.

If you’re ready to equip yourself with the knowledge and confidence to detoxify your body naturally and feel amazing from the inside out, you’re in the right place. The good news is there are no restrictive yo-yo diets, pricy teas, or sugar-laden meal replacement shakes exotic elixirs required. And yes, you can still indulge in your favorite dessert or beverage. (We don’t do restrictions here.)

How do you know if you need to detox, and how can you accomplish this without breaking the bank? Keep reading to learn the most common signs that your body is in need of a detox and how to safely and effectively detoxify your body. 

Hey, brain fog and exhausting mood swings: your time is almost up!

What are toxins?

When you think of toxins, you may imagine a culmination of nasty bacteria, parasites, and germs. To put it simply, toxins are any substances that negatively affect your health. Here are a few of the most common toxins frequently found in our bodies:

  • Heavy metals such as lead and aluminum

  • Air pollutants such as benzene and particle pollution (particulate matter)

  • Pesticides (glyphosate) commonly found in conventional produce, animal protein, and wheat

  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) which occur from the off-gassing of products like couches, rugs, or even personal care products

  • PFAS also known as “forever chemicals” because they don’t break down can be found in anything from nonstick coating to paper straws to waterproof coating

A buildup of toxins can inundate the liver, wreak havoc on your hormones, and cause a myriad of health issues, including but not limited to:

  • Skin issues (such as eczema, acne, and unexplained rashes)

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Anxiety, depression, and other mental conditions and mood disorders

  • Insomnia (and other sleep disorders)

  • Mood swings

  • Weight gain

  • Hypertension

  • Joint and muscle pain

Do I need a detox?

You may be wondering if you need a detox (also commonly referred to as a “cleanse”). The truth is, if you are living and breathing in today’s day and age, the answer is likely yes. According to the World Health Organization, almost the entire global population breathes air that exceeds air quality limits and threatens their health. Here are some other signs that you may have a sluggish liver and consider your need to make a few healthy changes to rid your body of heavy toxin buildup:

  • Brain fog or unable to focus

  • Fatigue or exhaustion

  • Trouble falling or staying asleep

  • Skin issues

  • Being a “slow starter” in the morning

  • Unstable moods or energy levels

  • Digestive distress, bloating

  • Salty and sweet cravings

  • Frequent illness

  • Trouble losing weight

  • Low tolerance for bright light or sunlight

  • A suspected hormone imbalance

  • Food aversions/sensitivities

How to detox your body safely and naturally

The internet is jam-packed with all the information you could ever need or want, and sometimes it can be challenging to sift through those Google results, determine which source is legitimate, and have a clear path forward. 

If you want to reclaim your health and hormones, detoxing your body safely and naturally will always reign supreme to expensive fad diets that usually are geared toward losing weight quickly. To rebalance your body begin by opening your detox pathways and reducing your toxic load. Next practice daily awareness around your habits, stress management, and a renewed focus on nutrition. Here’s how it’s done.

Open your detox pathways.

In order for your body to operate as the well-oiled machine it is designed to be, your primary detox organs—your liver, kidneys, digestive system, and skin especially—need to be clear and functional. If your drainage pathways are blocked or stagnant, your detoxification will go as smoothly as a rush hour commute on the 405 freeway. In other words, when your drainage pathways are blocked or stagnant, detoxification is difficult and may result in worsening symptoms. Here are some signs you may have subpar drainage pathways: 

  • Not having daily bowel movements

  • Not sweating

  • Dehydration

  • Frequent waking up in the middle of the night

  • Swelling or fluid retention

  • Afternoon energy slump

  • Digestive issues

  • Brain fog, poor concentration

  • Frequent headaches

  • Being sedentary/low movement

So, how do you open your drainage pathways and ensure your body can effectively rid your body of toxins? Here are some practical positive habits you can implement that can be done right from the comfort of your own home: 

  • Daily movement (even a 15-20-minute brisk walk can do wonders!)

  • Sauna

  • Detox baths/baths that induce sweat

  • Dry brushing and self-massage to increase lymph movement

  • Coffee enema

  • Castor oil packs

  • Replacing mineral deficiencies 

  • Herbs/supplements that support regular bowel movements

  • Prioritizing sleep and self-care

  • Hydration with minerals (this can look like adding a pinch of Redmond’s real salt or freshly-squeezed lemon to your water bottle)

Reduce your toxic load. 

It goes without saying that if you want to detox, you must reduce your toxic load. Unfortunately, many toxins we encounter on a daily basis—polluted air outside an airport in a busy city, for example—are out of our control, so 100% avoidance is not realistic or possible. 

Keep in mind that any stress associated with trying to completely avoid toxins can adversely affect your health and detoxification, so remember to be optimistic and remember you only have so much control. That being said, there are steps you can take to reduce your toxic load that are totally in your control!  

You can reduce your toxic load by:

  • Limiting or avoiding alcohol and smoking

  • Drinking purified, filtered, mineral-rich water

  • Switching to clean, nontoxic cosmetics, skincare, and household products

  • Limiting or avoiding refined sugar, processed foods, and inflammatory seed oils (such as canola and vegetable oil, commonly found in restaurant food)

  • Reducing your exposure to EMFs by putting your phone on airplane mode at night and unplugging your WiFi router

  • Adding detox-supporting herbs such as milk thistle, green tea, and matcha

Ready to feel like yourself again?

If you think you need a detox protocol but you don’t know where to start, you’re not alone. Powering through unrelenting fatigue, brain fog, and cumbersome digestive issues while trying to manage a home, family, and career is not how we were meant to live. The reality is, you didn’t get here overnight, and you won’t heal overnight. You weren’t meant to just survive—but to sur-thrive!

Work with a trusted and dedicated certified Integrative Health Practitioner who has helped clients reclaim their health and feel their best! With an individualized functional detox protocol that includes dedicated, one-on-one support, a personalized wellness plan with resources and recommendations unique to your lifestyle and goals, and proven tools to accelerate and optimize your healing journey, you’ll be well on your way to your happiest, healthiest you! Contact me today to learn more.