Frequently Asked Questions

  • Essentially, RKVLC (pronounced: “ARE-KAY-VEE-ELE-CEE”) is code for me, Sarah. Since this isn’t truly me coded into the internet I created a codename for myself to upload onto the world wide web. Basically, the letters stand for prominent numbers in my life/life path (if you are into numerology like I am). If you are still reading I thank you :) but do not worry! There is no need to overthink this, RKVLC is just a symbol of me: Sarah.

  • A health coach is professional who partners with clients to map out their health goals and wellness plan. More specifically, an Integrative Health Practitioner combines multiple perspectives to accomplish the same goal: Ayurvedic Medicine, Bioregulatory Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine & Herbalism, Eastern Philosophy, Naturopathy, Othomolecular Medicine, and Functional Medicine.

  • I believe every body is in a state of continuous healing and with the correct environment our bodies will adapt, change, and heal. I believe we are energetic beings and to overcome challenges in our lives we need only to transform our outer world to heal our inner world & vice versa.

  • Yes and No. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a medical condition be advised to consult your medical provider before consuming any supplements or stopping any medications. With that being said, there is a vast spectrum of quality supplementation and poorly absorbed supplements with questionable quality. If you are experiencing none of the conditions listed above then it is still recommended to work with a healthcare professional to find and address any specific deficiencies or imbalances you may have. My mottos are “first do no harm” & “don’t guess, test.”

  • I am currently working to accept both. You should be able to pay with either if you have a note from a medical professional stating that you need my services.

Still have questions, contact me here!

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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